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Thinkers50 is the world’s most reliable resource for identifying, ranking, and sharing the leading management ideas of our age. We are based in London, with partners and affiliations around the globe. Our ambition is to provide innovative access to ideas with the power to make the world a better place.
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Fresh, insightful, provocative ideas in the complex world of management thinking. Articles, podcasts, blogs, and interviews feature our ranked thinkers, award winners, and others with big ideas to share.

by Thinkers50

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Pirates In The Navy
by Tendayi Viki
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A guide to expanding our awareness and tapping into our abundant inner resources from the world renowned expert on frugal innovation. Navi Radjou is the winner of the Thinkers50 Innovation Award which he received for his work in championing the concept of frugal...

7 September 2025 @ 10am Central European Time (9am UK time) A free one-hour webinar featuring Karolin Frankenberger and Markus Schmidt and moderated by Stuart Crainer. How can you energize your core business while building disruptive products and services?...

This uniquely interactive webinar will explore the contents of Lynda Gratton’s new book and its implications for re-shaping the world in the post-Covid age.
Every two years, Thinkers50 salutes the leading business and management ideas of our age with our Ranking of Management Thinkers and our awards for distinguished achievement in a number of specific management categories. Our annual Radar list introduces emerging thinkers with the potential to make lasting contributions to management theory and practice.
The Thinkers50 global ranking of management thinkers is announced each odd-numbered year.
Distinguished Achievement Awards are conferred in key areas of management every two years.
A new class of up-and-coming Radar thinkers is identified annually.

2001: Two maverick Englishmen disrupt business and management with the first ever ranking of management thinkers. Quickly recognized globally as the premier work of its kind, the Thinkers50 Ranking has been published every two years since.
2011: Thinkers50 introduces Distinguished Achievement Awards, expanding its biennial salute to the leading business and management ideas of our age.
2021: The next Thinkers50 Gala will be held at London’s Guildhall on Tuesday 16 November 2021, featuring announcement of our 11th biennial ranking of management thinkers. Save the date!